Brodhead Creek Falls video

Streamwatch training

Would you like to be a Streamwatcher? Attend a training session and join the BWA’s first and longest running program, Streamwatch. Become one of the

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Silent auction online 2021

Brodhead Watershed Association is bringing the outdoors online for its annual auction fundraiser, to be held virtually Sept. 15-25, 2021. With a theme of “Get

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Streamwatch training

REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT IS NOW CLOSED.  Would you like to be a Streamwatcher? Brodhead Watershed Association will soon welcome new “water warriors” into its

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Silent auction online

Brodhead Watershed Association is bringing the outdoors online for its annual auction fundraiser, to be held virtually Sept. 16-26, 2020. Each year during BWA’s annual

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Tap Takeover!

BWA is taking over the taps at Mountain View Vineyard, Winery & Distillery … because great-tasting beverages start with clean and abundant water! On this

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Streamwatch training

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO THE COVID-19 NATIONAL EMERGENCY. If you would like to be notified when the date has been reset, please

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Streamwatch training

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO THE COVID-19 NATIONAL EMERGENCY. If you would like to be notified when the date has been reset, please

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