Sojourn on McMichael Creek

Chris Perry Memorial Sojourn - September 28, 2013

Check out our PHOTO ALBUM ON FACEBOOKBrodhead Watershed Association’sInaugural Kayak Sojourn on the lower McMichael Creek September 22, 2012

On September 22, the Brodhead Watershed Association hosted its inaugural kayak sojourn on the lower McMichael Creek.

As a result of summer weather conditions, downed trees and lowered water depths, this pilot effort was limited to 20 sojourners and the trip was shortened from the original 8 miles planned  (From the soccer fields in Hamilton Township, winding through Stroud Township and ending in Stroudsburg) to a 2-mile segment from Hickory Valley Park to the most downstream portion of the Glenbrook Golf Course in StroudTownship.

The event for Sojourners began with a continental breakfast and safety sessions from 8-9:30 am at the beautiful Glenbrook Golf Course Clubhouse.  Participants were then transported to the upstream launch site to begin paddling by approximately 10a.m. with interpretive sessions given by local naturalists on creek ecology along the way.

A half-way point lunch break with demonstrations of fly-fishing, water testing procedures, and discussions with photos of the areas of the McMichael explored by the Sojourn Planning team took place about noon on the creekside in Hickory Valley Park.

Sojourners then paddled through the Glenbrook Golf Course, taking out at Kovarick Park.

Some reactions from the sojourn participants:

“This was great! Loved it”
“Want to particpate in future kayaking!”

“Great day-will be ready to go again!”

“Fun time-thanks to all who make the trip possible”

“Excellent for my son and I”

Those who wish to sign up for next year’s sojourn can contact BWA at BRODHEADWATERSHED@GMAIL.COM.