Get Involved
Volunteer opportunities abound in the Brodhead Watershed Association. Our largest corps of volunteers is our Streamwatchers, people who “adopt” a stream site, or two or more, and check them monthly – both visually, and using a set of simple chemical tests. To learn more about the Streamwatch program, visit the STREAMWATCH PAGE
Other volunteer opportunities can be short term, one day at a time, such as helping with our Native Plant sale or the Cherry Valley Festival, working with students at the Waterwaze Festival – sponsored by the Monroe County Watershed Alliance, or helping with stream clean-ups and hikes.
We can always use help in the office, if you’d like to get to know the “inside” workings of BWA, And, to get really involved, volunteer to join our Board!
If you would like to be contacted to learn more about volunteer opportunities, please email us at BRODHEADWATERSHED@GMAIL.COM or call 839-1120.