Paradise Watershed Assessment and Protection Project

The Paradise Creek Watershed Assessment and Protection Plan Project was funded through a Growing Greener grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for $299,289.00.   The grant was awarded in August 2002.IIn-kind (donated) services bring the total value of the study to well over $300,000.00.

The Brodhead Watershed Association sponsored the grant,  and partners included the Monroe County Conservation District and Paradise Township. The Monroe County Planning Commission, the Delaware River Basin Commission, US Geological Survey, Wilkes University, Paradise Falls Lutheran Association, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Stroudsburg Municipal Authority,

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Lake Swiftwater Club, Concerned Citizens of Barrett Township, Pro Paradise Valley, Inc., Henryville Flyfishers, Brodhead Protective Association, Barrett Township, Coolbaugh Township, and Mt. Pocono Borough.

Download/read the Plan: