MARCH 2022
STREAMLINES: News and events from BWA
Would you like to be a Streamwatcher?
There's still time to sign up!
Streamwatch, one of Brodhead Watershed Association's longest running and most valuable programs, is seeking new "water warriors."
A volunteer training session for Brodhead Watershed residents will be held on Saturday, March 26 at 10 a.m. at the Brodhead Creek Heritage Center (BCHC).
Featuring a new, simplified program, the Streamwatch training will last approximately one hour. Light refreshments will be served. Zoom information will be available for those who wish to join from home.
Register online using the button below. For more information, call the BWA office at 570-839-1120 or email
Creating Native Habitat in a
"Postage-Stamp" Garden
As a Penn State Cooperative Extension Master Gardener, Ann Foster has thought a lot about not just the beauty of gardens, but also how they work as part of a natural web of food and shelter for birds, insects and small mammals.
Spaces like these also protect drinking water. Instead of pooling on rock-hard compacted soil or a hot, featureless concrete patio, rain water is welcome in this urban Eden. Water and snow-melt percolate slowly into the soil, which filters and purifies it — and keeps it from infiltrating the home's foundation.
The tiny golden-winged warbler needs our help.
It weighs about as much as a paperclip. It flies 4,000 miles to winter in South America. And then it returns in spring to forests in the Poconos to breed and raise young.
But not just any forest. For nesting and raising their young, golden-winged warblers need shrubby, low, open growth such as follows a fire. At the same time, close by, they need mature forest for perching, defending territory and foraging for food.
The loss of natural habitat like that, and also in its wintering grounds and along that long migration route, all put this endearing dynamo at risk.
BWA's Creek Critter series highlights the remarkable wildlife biodiversity within and around the Brodhead Watershed's rivers and wetlands. Check out our exclusive Creek Critter footage feature below!
Foxes can help control Lyme disease by limiting the transfer of Lyme bacteria from mice and other tiny mammals that carry it.
Click the video above to see rodent patrol in action!
(Erethizon dorsatum)
When our watershed's charismatic porcupines gnaw on trees in winter, food is dropped to the forest floor for other critters.
Click the video above to see a porcupine go for a winter drink.
Delaware Highlands Conservancy will host a Conservation Conversations Zoom on Thursday, March 24 from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Join the Conservancy’s Land Protection Coordinators Trey Talley and Kaylan Hubbard for a virtual gathering to learn about Delaware Highlands Conservancy and how they can help you protect your land.
Monroe County Conservation District will host a Riparian Buffer Workshop at Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday, April 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The educational workshop and tree planting event will cover nonpoint source pollution in our waterways and the role that trees play in preventing pollution.
Pizza and refreshments will be provided. Registration is required. To register, contact David Hooker: or (570) 629-3030.
Get out! for Wellness — join BWA Executive Director Alexander Jackson for a private tour of Mt. Nebo Regional Park on Sunday, April 10 from 1 to 3 p.m.
Get Out! for Wellness is provided by the Wildlands Conservancy in partnership with Lehigh Valley Health Network.
Pocono Heritage Land Trust will host a guided hike at Twin Brooks Conservation Easement on Saturday, April 16 from 10 a.m. to noon.
This property is not normally open to the public, so savor the opportunity to explore the vernal pools, wetlands and forested ridges of this Pocono Heritage Land Trust conservation easement!
This event is open to anyone and free to attend. Sign up by April 15 at noon to receive location details.
BWA executive director to speak at ESU on March 23
BWA Executive Director Alexander Jackson, Ph.D. will speak as part of the Spring 2022 Provost's Colloquium Series at East Stroudsburg University (ESU).
Jackson will present "The Endless Benefits of Clean and Abundant Water in the Brodhead Watershed" on Wednesday, March 23 from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
BWA opposes the proposed Swiftwater Solar land development plan.
BWA Executive Director Alexander Jackson, on behalf of the board of directors, recently submitted a letter to Pocono Township municipal officials in opposition to the proposed Swiftwater Solar land development plan.
Our opposition is centered on three tenets:
1. The project calls for over 450 acres of forest removal on the top of Bear Mountain
2. The project calls for the construction of 15 stormwater basins
3. The Pocono Township zoning map shows the site as "Recreational” zoning use, and as such should not, and we believe, does not allow for large scale energy generation use
Limited-time offer for BWA members
For a limited time, upgrade your BWA membership with a donation of $100 or more and receive a special-edition Endless Field Biopholio music album from environmentally conscious record label Biophilia Records (while supplies last).
These unique musical albums reduce plastic waste by not using any, and cater to the environmentally conscious listener, who is aware of the harmful effects of plastic in the environment, yet feels that a digital download is just not enough -
Biophilia Records was founded by Fabian Almazan as a way to create a family of musicians that inspire audiences with their music and future generations with their sustainability actions.
We are so grateful to Fabian for this very generous donation to support clean and abundant water in the Brodhead Watershed!
BWA welcomes new members this month: Jeanne Maiden of East Stroudsburg (Perennial Club), Sharon H. Petry of Stroudsburg, Mark Folio Sr. of Stroudsburg, Frances Woo of Stroudsburg.
Perennial Club is a time-saving way to keep your membership current through automatic, online donations. For information, click here.