Paradise Creek Watershed

A Project of the Brodhead Watershed Association



About The Project

The Paradise Creek Watershed Assessment and Protection Plan Project is funded through a Growing Greener grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for $299,289.00. The grant was awarded in August 2002. In-kind (donated) services bring the total value of the study to well over $300,000.00. The Brodhead Watershed Association sponsored the grant, and partners include the Monroe County Conservation District and Paradise Township. The Monroe County Planning Commission, the Delaware River Basin Commission, US Geological Survey, Wilkes University, Paradise Falls Lutheran Association, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Stroudsburg Municipal Authority, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Lake Swiftwater Club, Concerned Citizens of Barrett Township, Pro Paradise Valley, Inc., Henryville Flyfishers, Brodhead Protective Association, Barrett Township, Coolbaugh Township, Mt. Pocono Borough, and Tobyhanna Township support the project. Pocono Township agreed to participate. Additional members of the technical team include Borton-Lawson Engineering, Veolia Water, AquaLink, Aquatic Resource Consulting, Castle Valley Consulting, Mt. Pocono Municipal Authority, and Jim Sheehan of East Stroudsburg University.
The goal of this study is to assess the watershed and to generate information necessary to develop management strategies to:

1. Improve water quality
2. Preserve stream corridors and floodplains
3. Coordinate watershed planning between all levels of government
4. Maintain existing stream flow
5. Preserve open space
6. Develop using conservation design
7. Consider economic impacts of new rules

The Pocono Creek Watershed team developed these goals. Results of a survey mailed to 2,324 members of the Paradise Creek Watershed community demonstrated that these goals were appropriate for our use as well. Results of the survey were sent separately. Equally important goals for this study include scientific integrity and objectivity, completion of the study on schedule and within the approved budget, responsiveness to the needs and concerns of study supporters and the community, and public outreach and education.

In order to meet the goals listed above, the Pocono Creek Watershed team established the following targets:
1.       Sustain existing water quality where it is better than state standards.
2.       Improve water quality to meet state standards.
3.       Maintain naturally stable streams.
4.       Re-establish stability to unstable streams.
5.       Provide necessary stream flows to support a natural ecosystem.
6.       Restore or maintain an optimal biological community in each management area.
7.       Implement watershed based planning initiatives.
8.       Implement conservation development practices.
9.       Diversify the County’s economy with clean industries, and enhance tourism.
10.       Prioritize preservation of open space.


Funded by a Growing Greener Grant from the PA Department of Environmental Protection

To Contact Us Use The Information Below

Debra Brady

R.R. #1, Box 1226 · Cresco, Pa 18326

Phone: 570-595-8840 · Fax: 570-595-3090



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